Hello from Paris!
I really didn’t know what to expect spending the winter in Paris. Christmas with some family was a given and highlight for sure! Christmas markets? Yes, definitely! Did I also expect some rain? Yes, of course. Chilly temperatures? Yes again.
There is no doubt Paris has much to offer. It’s a very walkable city, so I spent much of my time just wandering through nearby neighborhoods. The baked goods (especially with cinnamon or chocolate) are my favorite, and I definitely indulged. It’s a good thing I joined a gym!
I was hoping to enroll in some acting classes and improv groups, but that didn’t quite pan out. Instead, I just used this time to relax and be a local. My daily visits to the gym kept me healthy and in shape, and I became a regular at a few restaurants and bars. I crossed the Seine and saw the Eiffel Tower every day. This has certainly been a memorable chapter in my life!
Life is a Journey
I know that for me, and many others, it's really easy to get swept up into the "I want it now!" mentality. And social media can often times put us in "compete" mode. All of this can make us feel anxious and stressed, which affects our mental and physical health. In this video, I share a few tips to help remind us (mainly me!) that "Life is a Journey", not a race.
Versailles is a wealthy suburb and quick metro ride from central Paris. Many historical events have taken place here, but the main attraction is the Palace of Versailles - which was the home to the Kings of France. I really wanted to see the Hall of Mirrors. Come along on my video adventure!
Jardin du Luxembourg
If you want to escape from the hustle and bustle of central Paris, Luxembourg Gardens is the place to go. There are lots of green areas, fountains, statues, promenades, and flowerbeds. What makes this so special is the fun, colorful sailboats you can push around in the water that surrounds a fountain.
Paris is now behind me, and it's time to journey on. On March 1, it was onward back to the UK. Last time I was there I stayed just outside of London. This time, I'm spending a few months in Leeds - which is in Northern England. It's about a 2 1/2 hour train ride from London.
Leeds is the 2nd largest city in England, and I chose this area because of the creative opportunities it offers. I'm already enrolled in a Sunday afternoon Improv group, and a weekly evening film acting class!
I'll also get back into a routine by joining a gym - and a coworking space. I've missed spending afternoons in a coworking environment. There are people to meet, along with many networking opportunities. Plus, I just feel like I get more done in a coworking environment rather than at home.
I'm not sure what I'll be exploring in Leeds, but Manchester is only an hour away - and Liverpool isn't far either. There will be plenty for me to share with you!
Thanks for following along!
Bob Tapper
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